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HITEC is proud of No.1 market share in Japan particularly in the sausage stuffing and linking industry. HITEC is recognized as a leader in the food processing in Japan. HITEC has sold its products to many large well known food processing companies in Japan and around the world.
In overseas countries, HITEC has obtained a high share position in each Asian countries and also is steadily increasing shares in the United States and European countries, which are the original birthplace of hams and sausages. HITEC has continued to innovate new machines with unique ideas for ham and sausage producers. In the past Japan has been dependent on the imported machines and now our products have been adopted on the imported machines and now our portfolio of products have been adopted into their manufacturing process.
HITEC has further promoted continuous development riding on its own technology and which has enlarged the domestic and overseas position.
The exhibitions at which HITEC joined and exhibited its products were in Korea, China, Australia, the United States , England and further IFFA Exhibition at Germany. At each exhibition, great responses were made to HITEC products and especially many groups from Canada, Australia and England visited HITEC. HITEC's products which have evolved ham/sausage processing have made expansion of new business overseas and now are recognized by ham/sausage makers in the United States , European and Asian countries.


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